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  • litorresani1

Second ad for the "Rally the Family" event

After the first and introductory AD for the "Rally the Family" event, it was needed to keep promoting the event, so we created this AD. Compared to the first one, this ad tries to really get people's attention with the noticeable variation of colors. To begin with, the contrast between the green background and the red racquet would make a person to carefully look at it. In addition, the "It's Family Time," in the middle, is a great detail for the AD to encourage families to go. Moreover, the purple details, including the tennis ball (on the top-right) and the box (on the bottom part) are great features of the AD. In terms of persuasive skills, the "When TENNIS become FAMILY, "Calling to ALL GENERATION," and "Grab your kids, parents, and siblings, and JOIN US for a fun tennis event," are essential phrases for this ad to play its promotional role. Lastly, the final purple touch on the bottom of the AD is the location and the day the event is going to take place. This ad was created in Canva.

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