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  • litorresani1

Advertising Storyboard for "Say No More To Shoplifters"

This storyboard was made in order to make people aware of the unethical action the commit when they shoplift. The strategy for this advertising storyboard to portray that message is showing different "in fraganti" actions several people committed along with one word of the name of the storyboard, "Say No More To Shoplifters." In the first box, I picked a simple picture in order to introduce the topic. Like the other boxes, I did use a pretty aggressive font (SerialPublications), mixed with an cool effect that gives the font a 3D shape. In the next box, I did select a picture of a young shoplifter in order to rise the awareness the youth is also involved in shoplifting, along with the second word of the phrase, "Say No More To Shoplifters." I did use the same font with a similar effect, but I did change the color in order to make a better contrast with the color of the background In the next box, I did use a cool picture of a mid 20s shoplifter, along with "more" in a big size and shiny color. In the fourth box, I did select another awesome picture of a mid 40s shoplifter, along with "to" in a bright color to make some good contrast with the background. To finish up with the phrase, I did use a picture of two female shoplifters in order to make people aware shoplifting is also about genre. I did use the same font, along with a similar effect and white color to make contrast with the cloth of the women. Last but not least, I did put a shoplifting action without involving people, along with a a red X, in order to make sure the audience does understand the gravity of this problem. I created this advertising storyboard with Adobe Illustrator.

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