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  • litorresani1

Main AD for "Rally the Family" event

This AD was created to promote the "Rally the Family" event that took place at the Lake Wilson Tennis Club on April 14th of 2019. To begin with, the colorful background of this ad meant to grab everyone's attention. Going from top to bottom, the "USTA" symbols were placed since this event was created in honor to the "USTA." Then I thought that a tennis ball in the middle-top of the ad with a cool bold name of the event, "Rally the Family," would be something attractive and catchy. Below the ball, I came up with an attractive white sign, "Coming up in April," to let the audience know when the event is going to take place. Beneath that sign, I came up with that symbol of an old and new racquet in order to portray that this event is to unify the different generations. Then I put "An EVENT for all generations" in order to assure that people understand the racquet symbol. Lastly, I did put the dark red hashtag "UNITINGTENNISGENERATIONS," in order to encourage the audience to portray this message. I created this ad in Adobe Illustrator.

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